Call for Nominations to the eQuinelle Resident Club Advisory Board

Dear Equinelle Resident Club Members:

The eQuinelle Resident Club Advisory Board is looking for dedicated, community-minded individuals willing to bring their skills and experience to become directors on the Board.

The Advisory Board’s purpose is to provide diverse, quality leisure and lifestyle activities year-round to the members of the Club and to facilitate communication and advocacy between the members and the Club management as well as advice on Club policies, rules and regulations.

Resident Club members, who are in good standing, are eligible to seek nomination to the ERAB. Please see the attached Prospective eQuinelle Resident Club Advisory Board sheet below that outlines skills and attributes important to the success of the Board.  Directors normally remain on the ERAB for at least a two (2) year term.

If you have the skills, passion and are able to commit your time to support the Advisory Board, please complete and submit the nomination form.

Prospective nominees are encouraged to contact any current or past members of the Advisory Board to gain further insight of the Board and it collaboration between the membership and the Club management.

Along with the nomination form, which must be signed off by two (2) current ERAB members, please submit a one page document outlining your background, special interest or issues you would like to work on or anything you consider to be of interest for the eQ community. The nomination form can be found here.

All nominations will be reviewed by the Nominations Committee headed by our vice-chair, Mike Labrecque, If more nominations are received than the two vacancies, an election of all nominees may be required. Nomination forms and background documents will be shared with the current Advisory Board members for their consideration during the voting process.

Forward your nomination form and backgrounder to:

The deadline for nominations is September, 8th 2024 at 4pm.

Further information regarding the Resident Club can be found at: 

Information regarding the Resident Club Advisory Board and its Governance can be found at:

Definition of “member in good standing” can be found in the Governance Manual.

The contact information for current ERAB members, can be found here. Do not hesitate to reach out and speak to them to gain more insight on the Board.

Frequently Asked Questions for

Prospective eQuinelle Resident Club Advisory Board Directors

Positions and Responsibilities/ Member Skills and Attributes

Why do you think that I (a prospective board member) would make a good fit for the Advisory Board?

You are an active member of the club who already knows what the club brings to our community. You are open-minded, work well with others and want to give something back to the Club and the community as you have experienced yourself.

We are looking for people in our membership who have the time, energy and motivation to contribute to the well-being and progress of our resident club by volunteering to be directors on the Advisory Board. You are one of those people.

What is the Advisory Board?

It is composed of volunteers elected by their fellow Resident Club membership to represent the members’ interests in respect of the Club’s social and recreational activities. Also, the Board strives to foster good relations between the members and the club management, providing the club management with input on programs, plans and activities of the Club, and advising on the Club's policies, rules and regulations. 

How does the club operate and where does the Advisory Board fit in?

eQuinelle Development owns the Club Facilities and it hired another company to manage the facility: TMSI – with an onsite general manager. The Advisory Board helps identify, support and sometimes manages Club programs, and supervises the affairs of the social and recreational activities of the Club. The Advisory Board is shaped and governed in accordance with the Governance Manual available on our website.

What does the Advisory Board consist of?

There is a chair, a vice-chair, a treasurer, a secretary and several directors. Responsibility for certain activities and programs is discussed amongst the board and each board member normally takes the lead or liaison role for these.  Our primary roles at this time are the website, fitness activity coordination, racquet sports, arts & crafts, cards, billiards and social events. This format allows our Resident Club members to know who to contact if they have a question or comment about an activity or program that should be brought to the board’s attention. In some cases, events such as a Trivia night, or Christmas party, a board member may take specific responsibility to support it. Note the use of the word, support. The Board does not lead the activities: the Board supports the activities with Resident Club members, sometimes with a committee (e.g. Pickleball or Billiards) running the activity.

How much time does a Board member spend on its business?

It varies. The chair may be engaged every week in coordination with the club management and could draw in other board members to assist. Generally, the activities and programs run themselves with support from the Board once those activities and programs are up and running. The Board aims to meet every four to six weeks for one to two hours to discuss program progress, discuss and confirm funding allocation or work on any issues that may arise. Sometimes, issues or proposals can be decided secretarially (through email discussion). Every fall, there is an annual general meeting run by the chair that among other things votes in new Board members.